Project- Character Design
Objective-Create a Superhero and Trade Card

This assignment was created in the Digital Master's class, where I learned how to further harness more advanced tools in photoshop. The project consisted of building out an imagined character or superhero of my choice. As with most assignments, i started out researching different characters in popular media. Having established my desired character and what kind of powers they possessed, I did a sketch of what it might look like. My imagined character's would be a young adult woman named Elementa who had a connection with each of the four elements. Additionally, this character was required to represens an imagined merchandise company called Power Play. I took this into consideration while coming up with my idea.
Through the next few weeks, I was instructed on how to take images and methodically combine them together with a technique called Photo Bashing. At first, Photoshop appeared to be  a slightly intimidating software, due to the amount of precise technical steps.  However,  my intrigued interest in building a character from my imagination quickly launched me forward into the process. With the aid of carefully selected images positioned in layers, I learned how to use layer masks to "bash" images together. I also learned how to use different blending modes to more smoothly fuse these images. During this process, I was instructed on how to create the title of the character using a type treatment to create different effects.  In addition to learning about character design and type treatment, I gradually gained an insight into poster design as I was putting it all together. Completing this project led me to discover that this was something I'd be interested in further developing my skills in. Finishing this design, i gained a significant understanding into how to efficiently use photoshop's tools to create an industry level poster\character poster.

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